On Tuesday 18 September 2018, we had the pleasure of hosting the
Hicksons 2018 Health Law Forum.
This year we were fortunate to secure four highly regarded speakers being
Richard Sergi, Barrister, Greenway Chambers;
A/Prof Samuel Harvey, Head, Workplace Mental Health Research Program, Black Dog Institute, UNSW Medicine;
Dr Carmel Harrington, Managing Director, Sleep for Health, and Research Fellow, Children’s Hospital Westmead; and
Professor Clifford Hughes AO, President, International Society for Quality in Health Care, and Professor of Patient Safety and Clinical Quality, Macquarie University.
Health Law Forum Wrap Up includes a short summary of each of the speaker’s presentations and also includes links to watch some of the speaker’s presentations via video.
You can also access all the materials from the Health Law Forum on the Hicksons app which is available from the
Apple and
Google Play stores.