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First death benefit claim for contracting COVID-19 while working

In Sara v G & S Sara Pty Ltd [2021] NSWPIC 286 the applicant made a claim for compensation after her husband passed away due to contracting the COVID-19 virus whilst on a work trip in New York. The respondent, G & S Sara Pty Ltd, was one of a group of companies in the Stoneglass Group that provided dental technician products and services across the healthcare sector in Australia and the United States, and the deceased worker was a director of each of the entities in the Stoneglass Group.

‘Speak now… or forever hold your peace’ – Requirements for claiming outside the limitation period

On 23 April 2021 the Personal Injury Commission delivered a determination of appeal against a decision of the Commission in Burke v Suncorp Staff Pty Ltd [2021] NSWPICPD 6. The worker claimed the Member had erred in fact in finding and that the worker’s failure to claim compensation was not occasioned by ignorance.

Footy player’s “spear tackle” negligence case gets a red card from the Court of Appeal

2020 has been a year of ”big hits” in the dangerous recreational activity space.   It has also been in a year in which our sportsmen have featured in the evening news, often for their off‑field behaviour.     The recent news that former England Rugby international, 42 year old Steven Thompson, has been diagnosed with early onset dementia, and is involved in a potential class action in relation to the repetitive head trauma he says gave rise to his condition; has sent shock waves through the sporting world.
  • 18 Dec 2020


“Not without my pick stick” – Picker Packer finds damages are just out of his reach

Most of us go through life thinking very little about pick sticks, but in the case of Smith v Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd, it was the humble pick stick that (almost) picked victory out of the jaws of defeat.
  • 2 Oct 2020


Aviation: struck out for being too late

Australia’s highest court the High Court of Australia (“HCA”) has recently confirmed unanimously that a claim for personal injuries arising out of the death of or injury to a passenger in an aircraft (“the incident”) must be brought within two years of the date of the incident pursuant to section 34 of the Commonwealth Civil Aviation (Carriers’ Liability) Act 1959 (“CACLA”).
  • 20 May 2019


A fall from a ladder resulted in liability against a manufacturer under the Australian Consumer Law with a finding of 30% contributory negligence

The Court of Appeal found that a ladder had a safety defect, which caused the appellant to fall, such that the manufacturer was liable for damages under section 138 of the Australian Consumer Law.

Walking (and lifting) a mile in a worker’s shoes. Hicksons get assessed!

Our newest Partner, Doyle Myles, recently attended a full physical and functional assessment to gain a better understanding of a worker's experience when they are participating in assessments for the claims process or litigation.

Primacy of Primary Insuring Clause

Schmidt J of the NSW Supreme Court has reminded us of the importance of examining the terms of the primary insuring provisions of policies in determining whether they respond.  This examination includes a requirement that the policy be interpreted to give it a business like interpretation.

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