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Capital Brief: Australia's Top Tier Law Firms Are Rushing To Adopt AI — But To What End?

‘LLMs shouldn't be used for their knowledge of the law, but rather to streamline legal processes and allow lawyers to redefine their relationship to their work and their clients’.David Fischlrecently spoke to Capital Brief about the legal industry’s move towards AI and how this presents a new frontier for lawyers going forward.

Lawyers Weekly: Navigating AI Regulation In The Profession

“AI will ensure legal advice becomes more accurate, prompt, and available at a lower cost” In a recent Lawyers Weekly article, Hicksons Legal Digital Transformation PartnerDavid Fischl comments on what extent Artificial Intelligence (AI) should be regulated, as firms will turn to AI to retain talent and drive efficiency.

Capital Brief: The Rise Of AI Washing

“AI has been the exception to every rule the world has seen. We have no doubt that regulators will take more sweeping action against those using AI unethically to protect society.”In a recent Capital Brief article, Hicksons Legal Digital Transformation Partner @David Fischl comments on the regulatory risks of AI washing and regulators’ approach in enforcing against misleading claims linked to AI technology.

Lawyers Weekly: ‘With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility’: The Emergence Of AI Washing

“AI in law is our generation’s iron man suit. With great power comes great responsibility.”   In a recent Lawyers Weekly article, Hicksons Legal Digital Transformation Partner David Fischl comments on the regulatory risks and other impacts of AI washing, along with thoughts on the best practices for the legal profession moving forward.  “AI washing has the potential to erode the sacred trust that we have with our clients. It is crucial that we, as lawyers, do not lose sight of this.”

Tech Day: AI-Washing - A new wave of ethical and legal considerations for corporate Australia

“AI is the technology and innovation of our time. We should ensure it is able to prosper without being thwarted by the misleading behaviour of the minority.”

GovTech Review: Automated decision-making systems: ensuring transparency

In a recent GovTech Review article, Hicksons Legal Digital Transformation Partner David Fischl and Solicitor Elias Dehsabzi discuss the rise of government agencies using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automated Decision Making (ADM) systems.

Will you be protected if you provide medical advice through an app?

There has been a proliferation of businesses in the past decade both globally and in Australia which provide medical and dental advice over the internet. The appeal to patients is obvious: convenience, low expenses and instantaneousness. But if you are the medical practitioner employed or contracted by these businesses and something goes wrong with the treatment provided, will you be afforded the same protection under the law in defending a negligence claim as you would if you had reviewed the patient in a traditional manner (i.e. in person)?

Lawyers Weekly: AI can help legal departments with ‘digital transformation’

“Mastering the use of AI technology, in-house legal teams can make themselves progressive problem solvers and forward thinkers in their organisation” In a Lawyers Weekly article, Hicksons Legal Digital Transformation Partner David Fischl emphasises the importance for corporate counsels to master the use of AI, to drive better outcomes for clients and their own practice.

Lawyers Weekly: Will AI be the ‘great equaliser’ for access to justice, or will it inhibit it?

In a recent Lawyers Weekly article, Hicksons Legal Digital Transformation Partner David Fischl discusses the opportunity for Artificial Intelligence (AI), like ChatGPT to aid in the access to justice.
Firm News

Education for a Changing World Symposium

Hicksons is proud to support the department’s Education for a Changing World Symposium on 9-10 November 2017 that will bring together experts in education, industry and innovation to explore and debate AI and its potential impact on education.

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