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Axsesstoday Limited Class Action

Background on Axsesstoday Limited

Axsesstoday Limited (AXL) was established in 2012 and operated as a lender to small to medium sized enterprises and was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.
On 26 June 2018, AXL offered to issue $50 million in simple corporate bonds described as “Axsesstoday Bonds – Series A, tranche 1” pursuant to the terms of the Offer Specific Prospectus dated 26 June 2018 (Bonds). 
Several months after issue, AXL was found to be in breach of one or more banking covenants. The major cause of those breaches was the implementation of a new Australian Accounting Standard (AASB9) which, amongst other things, altered the requirements for the recognition of arrears, leading to a breach of the relevant arrears ratio.  The directors ultimately appointed administrators in April 2019.
A Deed of Company Arrangement was subsequently entered into, under which investors received a payment in the vicinity of 27 cents in the dollar, leaving a significant shortfall on their investment.

Federal Court Proceedings

On 20 August 2020 Hicksons filed a class action in the Federal Court of Australia on behalf of a significant proportion of the bondholders, each of whom have signed a litigation funding agreement with Therium Litigation Finance Atlas AFP IC and a Retainer Agreement with Hicksons. The Representative applicant is Compumod Investments Pty Ltd as trustee of a staff superannuation fund.
The proceedings were commenced against Axsesstoday Limited (AXL) and Pricewaterhouse Coopers Securities Limited (PwCS), seeking recovery of the shortfall on the Bonds and interest payments which were not made. PwCS was the accounting advisor in connection with the prospectus documentation, which is alleged to have contained significant shortcomings.
The applicant alleges, among other things, that AXL made misleading and deceptive statements in, and omitted information that was required to be disclosed in, its prospectus, contravening the Corporations Act 2001 and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001. It is further alleged that in providing accounting advice in relation to the prospectus, PwCS was involved in those contraventions, in addition to itself engaging in misleading or deceptive conduct.
Significantly, the information which ought to have been contained in the prospectus is information concerning the likely potential effect of AASB9 on the financial statements of AXL and its ability to comply with its banking covenants. 

Want to find out more?

Further information is contained in our FAQ. 

If you would like further information regarding the class action and whether you are eligible to register, please contact Premier Litigation Funding Management at [email protected] or email Hicksons at [email protected].

Key documents
  1. Frequently asked Questions 
  2. Originating Application filed 20 August 2020
  3. Statement of Claim filed 20 August 2020
  4. Amended Statement of Claim filed 21 September 2021
  5. First Respondent’s Defence to Amended Statement of Claim filed 24 November 2021
  6. Second Respondent’s Defence to the Amended Statement of Claim filed 24 November 2021
  7. Second Respondent’s Notice of Cross-Claim filed on 24 November 2021
  8. Second Respondent’s Statement of Cross-Claim filed on 24 November 2021
  9. Applicant’s Reply to the First Respondent’s Defence to the Amended Statement of Claim filed 13 December 2021
  10. First Respondent’s Defence to the Second Respondent's Cross-Claim filed 24 December 2021
  11. Second Respondent's Reply to the First Respondent's Defence to Cross-Claim filed 18 February 2022
  12. Further Amended Statement of Claim filed 10 May 2022
  13. First Respondent's Defence to the Further Amended Statement of Claim filed 23 May 2022
  14. Second Respondent's Defence to the Further Amended Statement of Claim filed 20 May 2022
  15. Second Respondent's Amended Statement of Cross-Claim filed 23 May 2022
  16. First Respondent's Defence to Amended Statement of Cross-Claim filed 3 June 2022
  17. Second Respondent's Reply to First Respondent's Defence to Amended Cross-Claim filed 10 June 2022
  18. Further Amended Originating Application filed 17 April 2023
  19. Second Further Amended Statement of Claim filed 17 April 2023
  20. First Respondent’s Defence to the Second Further Amended Statement of Claim filed 2 June 2023
  21. Second Respondent’s Defence to the Second Further Amended Statement of Claim filed 2 June 2023
  22. Second Respondent’s Further Amended Statement of Cross Claim filed 2 June 2023
  23. First Respondent's Defence to Further Amended Cross Claim filed 18 July 2023
  24. Second Respondent's  Reply to Defence to Further Amended Statement of Cross-Claim filed 1 August 2023
  25. Third Further Amended Statement of Claim filed 22 December 2023
  26. Third to Sixth Respondents’ Defence to Third Further Amended Statement of Claim filed 16 February 2024
  27. Second Respondent’s Defence to Third Further Amended Statement of Claim filed 21 February 2024
  28. Second Further Amended Statement of Cross-Claim filed 5 March 2024
  29. Cross-Respondents' Defence to Second Further Amended Cross-Claim filed 18 March 2024
  30. Opt Out Notice filed 13 March 2024
  31. ​Settlement Approval Judgment of Lee J dated 27 May 2024
Case updates

As previously notified on this site, the applicant filed the Third Further Amended Statement of Claim (3FASOC) on 22 December 2023 joining AXL’s insurers to the proceedings. We note that the insurance policy held by AXL was entered into by DUAL on behalf of the four underwriters at Lloyds, who have been joined as the third to sixth respondents (Underwriters).
Settlement between the Applicant and the Underwriters

The applicant and the Underwriters agreed to settle the class action between them. All Group Members will have received a notification of the proposed settlement.

The Settlement Sum represents the majority of proceeds available under the relevant insurance policy. The Underwriters’ liability is limited to the proceeds of the policy and nothing more.

On 27 May 2024, Justice Lee approved the settlement between the applicant and the Underwriters. Justice Lee’s judgment dated 27 May 2024 can be accessed here. The Settlement Sum has been paid and is currently being held on trust by Hicksons Lawyers pending the outcome of the balance of the Class Action.

Settlement between the Applicant and PwCS (the second respondent)

We are pleased to advise that shortly before the hearing was due to commence on 17 June 2024, a settlement was negotiated between the Applicant and PwCS under which PwCS will pay a sum of money to the applicant/group members. The settlement was subject to the entry by the parties into an appropriate deed of settlement and, importantly, it is also subject to the approval of the Court.

Accordingly, the hearing did not proceed in June.

The Settlement Deed was executed by the parties on 28 June 2024 and the proceedings are now listed before Justice Markovic for hearing of the settlement approval application on 2 August 2024.

All group members should by now have received a Notice of Proposed Settlement, which outlines the main terms of the settlement. If you are a registered group member and you have not received such a notice, please contact us and we will provide you with one.

Hicksons Lawyers, senior counsel and junior counsel acting for the applicant consider the settlement sum to be reasonable in all of the circumstances, having regard to the prospects of success and the risks of litigation. Senior and junior counsel have prepared a confidential opinion to assist the Judge to determine whether to approve the settlement.

Once the settlement is approved, the settlement sums under both the settlement with the Underwriters and the settlement with PwCS will be distributed to group members after deduction of the expenses outlined in the Litigation Funding Agreement signed by each group member. Those deductions will be reviewed by the Court as part of the settlement approval process.

We will update this page after the result of the settlement approval application is known.

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